communicating with others is an ordinary activity...
We used to talk, we used to listen, we used to show some body languange... everyday.... to everyone....
so it's supossed to be the easiest thing to do...but in fact... communicating can be a very exhausting activity... Why??
I don't really know why... but all I know is...
I really hate when I have to arrange different sentence with the same meaning, because the diferences of each person's personality....
It's always easier to talk to your BFF or family... coz no matter what you say, they already knew who you are....
but when we have to talk to people that not really close with us, it's getting harder and harder...
Our image, their responses, our secret, mannerism... sometimes the considerations are much more than words that we wanna say...
Then, to make a comfortable conversations we have to keep it balance between talk and listen, we have to know when we have to speak our mind and when we have to keep it in our mind...
But some people, doesn't say what they really mean or feel... and we can figure it out from their body languange, another complicated thing... too complicated for my lack brain of course... haha...
So, because all of these are too complicated for me, I used to say what's on my mind, keep a secret just when I remember... talk and listen automatically,even sometimes I become a loud person... woots...
Maybe, it will give me some troubles and awkward conversations.... but I'm happy with it...
coz I don't have to waste my little brain to re-arrange and manipulate words to show what's on my mind...
JUST SAY IT.... and when you got a problem??? just take it... make it as a little price for speaking what is on your mind.... truthfully...
Well, this is what I thought... what about you????
Labels: COLLEGENONSENSE, trough my eyes