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"The Lucky Kidz"

It was happen on Wednesday... when I accompanied my friend to a computer's rental... and I saw these fellows... well let's call them... "lucky kids"....

YEPPP... juzt like those character on Boys Before Flower movie.... they have the latest fancy clothes, they ride a car.... they have cool gadgets... waittt....

Gadgets??? it means they have a notebook, aren't they???

yes, they definitely have it... better than mine... for sure...

Soo, what were they doing in a computer's rental???

they were doing their takehome midtest...

were they broke their notebook???



they were looking for another's to cheat on... 

how come??

see, the take home midtest was due about fifteen minute from that time...

so, there were some students (who don't have computer or printer)  who still printed out theirs... those "lucky kids" came with nothing and just chopped here and there...

and waalllaaa... it was magically became a brand new take home test... only took about 5 minutes...

and they were proud that they could finish it... instantly... without wasted any of their brains...


See, I know some of them, and I'm pretty sure that they are not that stupitty... I don't know wether they are lazy or just don't care about their study...

But, they definitely proud of their (parents) wealth... maybe they think it will lasts forever....

I used to think that they are cool... but then I realized...that they acctually don't have anything to proud of...

yaaaw "lucky kidz"....  lemme tell you now...inside your head there's a thing called brain...

and i know you can use it... i believe in must use your brain.....

well strangers..., let's give them a chance... moreover... they will get the consequent... not me...


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